On September 1, 2018, the Swimming Pools Regulation 2008 of NSW was revoked and the Swimming Pools Regulation 2018 took effect.
Under the new Regulation 2018, the following changes occured :
- The local authorities can now of charge fees for the third and every succeeding swimming pool inspections.
- The maximum fees for exemption applications that the local authorities may impose will be increased to equal the maximum fee charged for the first pool inspection.
- Homeowners are obligated to display a warning notice during swimming pool constructions. Failure to comply is a chargeable offence.
- Improvements to the CPR / Warning Notices previously required by The Act.
- Improvements on the accessibility of the public to all relevant Australian Standards, and not just limited to AS 1926.1 – 2007.
- Improvements to make the Swimming Pools Regulation more flexible and to clarify some of its aspects.
- Certificates of non-compliance are required to be included in the Swimming Pools Register.